Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka spoke to the media in Khammam on Monday, urging people to vote for the Congress party’s candidate R Raghuram Reddy in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. He emphasized that Khammam district is a stronghold of the Congress party.
A meeting was held at the Khammam Praja Bhavan with Ministers Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy and Tummala Nageswara Rao, where the Deputy CM discussed strategies for the party’s success in the elections. Bhatti praised party leader Rahul Gandhi for his efforts to protect the country, democracy, and its resources.
He criticized PM Modi for allegedly favoring a few wealthy individuals like Ambani and Adani, while Rahul Gandhi aims to distribute resources equitably based on population size. Bhatti also took aim at the BRS party, accusing them of looting the state and spreading misinformation about electricity cuts.
The Deputy CM announced plans to establish a Khammam Lok Sabha Election Campaign Coordination Committee, as well as district and constituency level coordination committees. He vowed to work towards securing a victory for the Congress party in the upcoming elections.