The Delhi Police has asked Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy and PCC Chief to appear for trial on May 1st in connection with a fake video involving Union Home Minister Amit Shah. They have been instructed to bring their gadgets with them.
The controversy started when a fake video of Amit Shah announcing the cancellation of reservations circulated online. The video was posted by the Telangana PCC’s official Twitter account, which led to complaints from the BJP and the Home Ministry. The Delhi Special Cell Police launched an investigation to find out where the fake video came from.
Amit Shah clarified that his words were twisted in the video and that he was actually talking about removing unconstitutional reservations for Muslims in Telangana. The BJP made it clear that Amit Shah did not mention canceling reservations for SC, ST, and OBC communities.
As part of the investigation, Delhi Police has also sent notices to the Telangana Director General of Police and Chief Secretary. The controversy over the fake video is still being talked about on social media platforms.