Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy accused KCR of colluding with the BJP to help their Lok Sabha candidate win in Zaheerabad, with the hopes of securing bail for his daughter K Kavitha. He made these claims during a large public meeting in Zaheerabad.
Revanth mentioned that while the BRS had put up Gali Anil Kumar as their candidate in Zaheerabad, he was not receiving much support from the party. The BJP had shown interest in the constituency, and KCR was allegedly aiding them in winning. He urged people not to vote for the BJP, warning that the Modi 3.0 government could harm farmers and reservations.
The Chief Minister also spoke about how the Britishers exploited India through divide and rule, starting from Surat and plundering resources like minerals and diamonds. He vowed to develop Zaheerabad, announcing government funding for libraries, a Mahila ITI, and a pharma village in the constituency.