A judicial commission, led by retired Supreme Court judge Justice Pinaki Chandra Ghose, is investigating irregularities in the construction of the Kaleshwaram project and the collapse of the Medigadda piers. The commission will summon former Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao to question him about project cost, design, and construction process.
Justice Ghose stated that a statement on the project irregularities will be issued in a few days, and public opinions will be collected before beginning the inquiry. The previous government was accused of corruption in the construction of the Kaleshwaram project, which cost over Rs 1 lakh crore.
The Commission plans to record statements from all stakeholders, including the former Chief Minister, to study his role in project construction and operation. Notices will be sent to political leaders and contract agencies to investigate alleged corruption.
The Commission will examine various aspects of the project, such as the construction of Medigadda, Annaram, and Sundilla barrages, deficiencies in design and construction, quality maintenance, and misuse of project funds. Reports from the NDSA, Vigilance, and CAG will also be considered. Additionally, the Commission will meet with state irrigation officials and the NDSA team that investigated the damaged piers at Medigadda.