K Chandrashekar Rao, the leader of the BRS party, criticized the BJP for using religion to gain votes. He said that things like ‘akshintas’, ‘teertham’, ‘pulihoras’, and rallies with saffron flags will not solve hunger issues. Rao accused the BJP of causing a significant loss to Telangana during his speech at a roadshow in Bhongir Lok Sabha segment.
Rao emphasized that the fight was between BRS and BJP, warning that if people voted for Congress, BJP MPs would win in Telangana. He stressed that BRS is a secular party and will continue to be so. Rao also highlighted the failures of the Modi government, such as the lack of justice for various sections of society and the failure to fill vacant job positions.
The BRS chief warned that if the BJP wins seats in Telangana, they would implement power reforms that could impact farmers. He criticized Narendra Modi for transferring mandals to Andhra Pradesh and questioned the lack of financial support from BJP MPs in the state. Rao urged people to consider whose victory would benefit them.
Rao listed the unfulfilled promises of the Congress party and criticized the government for limiting Rythu Bandhu benefits to farmers with 5 acres of land. He expressed disappointment over the lack of empathy shown towards farmers who committed suicide and emphasized the need for BRS to win in Lok Sabha for the betterment of Telangana.