Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami addressed the people of Telangana, urging them to remove corrupt and dynastic parties. He spoke at rallies for BJP candidates in Warangal and Nizamabad.
Dhami criticized Congress and BRS, calling them corrupt. He accused Congress of treating Telangana like an ATM for the benefit of the Shahi Parivar in Delhi. He also mentioned the BRS’s involvement in a liquor scam in Delhi, alleging a partnership between the two parties to support each other’s wrongdoings.
Under PM Modi’s leadership, India has become the fifth largest economy, surpassing the United Kingdom. Dhami praised Modi for initiatives like 33% reservation for women, CAA, and the construction of the Ram Mandir. He highlighted Modi’s focus on lifting millions of people out of poverty.
Dhami also met with people from Uttarakhand in Hyderabad to discuss the development in his state. He emphasized the progress happening in Uttarakhand under his leadership.