Former minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav urged party leaders to work towards securing victory for the party’s candidate T Padma Rao Goud in the Secunderabad Lok Sabha election. The meeting took place at SVIT College auditorium in Patny, where Sanatnagar constituency BRS party leaders gathered.
Yadav emphasized the importance of unity and hard work among the party members to ensure success in the upcoming election. He encouraged everyone to actively participate in campaign activities and engage with voters to garner support for the party’s candidate.
During the meeting, strategies were discussed on how to effectively reach out to voters and highlight the party’s agenda. Yadav also emphasized the need for coordination and cooperation among party members to maximize their efforts and increase the chances of winning the election.
Overall, the meeting served as a platform for party leaders to come together, strategize, and rally support for their candidate in the Secunderabad Lok Sabha election. With a united front and dedicated efforts, they aim to secure victory and represent the interests of their constituents effectively.