The Cyberabad Special Operation Team recently arrested a gang involved in smuggling diesel from Karnataka. They seized 10,800 liters of diesel worth Rs 10 lakh and seven small diesel tankers worth Rs 35 lakh. Seven drivers were also arrested for illegally transporting the diesel across an open plot in front of Vattinagulapally Engineering College.
One of the individuals involved in the smuggling operation, Radhakrishna, has allegedly been transporting diesel worth millions of rupees from Karnataka to Telangana. He supplies diesel to another smuggler, Surya (also known as Sai Ram Surya), who runs a doorstep delivery service in Hyderabad. Surya then sells the diesel to small tankers, local sand lorries, quarry lorries, and other consumers.
Radhakrishna is currently on the run from the police for smuggling diesel into the state. The Cyberabad SOT had previously seized 18,000 liters of diesel through an official tanker at the same location where the recent arrests were made. Several cases have been registered against Radhakrishna, including one at the Gachibowli police station.