Kuna Pandu Vivekananda, the BRS Quthbullapur MLA, has filed a writ in the Telangana High Court. He is seeking a direction for the Speaker of the Telangana Assembly to address petitions he sent on April 10 regarding the disqualification of Venkata Rao Tellam, MLA from Bhadradri Kothagudem, and Kadiyam Srihari, MLA from Ghanpur (SC). Both MLAs were elected on the BRS ticket but have now switched to the Congress party, which the petitioner believes goes against the Constitution.
Venkata Rao officially joined the Congress on April 6 after expressing his desire to TPCC president and CM A Revanth Reddy. Srihari, along with his daughter Kavya, joined the Congress on March 29. The petitioner sent a petition to the Speaker seeking disqualification of both MLAs for defecting to the Congress in violation of the X schedule of the Constitution. The writ will be heard by a single judge on April 25.
Dr. Sravan Dasoju, BRS spokesperson, filed a writ seeking action against Minister Konda Surekha for violating the model code of conduct. The THC division bench disposed of the writ on Wednesday after the Election Commission informed the court that it was investigating Sravan’s complaint. The decision on whether to take action against Minister Surekha will be communicated to the High Court.
The division bench also issued notices to various officials in response to a PIL filed by Dr. G Hanumanlu of Secunderabad regarding noise pollution caused by running Metro trains. The petitioner complained about high noise levels near a specific portion of the track in Secunderabad, which they claim poses a threat to life and can result in permanent hearing loss. The court directed officials to respond to the notices within six weeks and implement measures to minimize noise pollution caused by Metro Rail.