Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy received surprising news when the Election Commission of India (ECI) transferred Andhra Pradesh Intelligence Director-General of Police PSR Anjaneyulu and Vijayawada Commissioner of Police Kanthi Rana Tata on Tuesday. They were asked to leave their positions immediately, which was unexpected for Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy right before the upcoming Andhra Pradesh Assembly elections in 2024.
The decision to transfer these officials was made following a complaint from TDP and BJP’s Purandeshwari to the ECI. They demanded that Anjaneyulu and Tata be removed from their roles. The complaint led to the sudden transfer of these key officials.
The transfers were a response to an incident where Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Jagan was attacked and pelted with stones recently. This incident likely played a role in the decision to transfer Anjaneyulu and Tata from their positions.