A man named Komineni Vamshi Chowdary, also known as Krishna Vamshi or Kannaiah, was arrested by the Cyberabad Cyber Crime police for committing fraud against divorced women and widows. The 38-year-old man tricked a woman he met on a matrimonial site by pretending to be a Google employee based in the US. He promised to marry her and her family through WhatsApp.
The police found two smartphones, a fake rubber stamp, a fake Indian Customs document, and a fake Google company ID card in Vamshi’s possession. The arrest was made after a 35-year-old woman, who lost her husband in 2008, filed a complaint against him. Vamshi convinced the victim to give him access to her bank accounts and debit cards, as well as gold and silver ornaments, under false pretenses.
Vamshi manipulated the victim and her family into believing his fraudulent scheme, resulting in significant financial losses totaling about Rs 1.8 crore. Once the victim realized she had been deceived, she sought legal action against Vamshi. The police discovered that he had also deceived other people by claiming to have connections with Indian Customs, offering seized gold at low prices.
During their investigation, the police found fake documents related to Indian Customs in Vamshi’s possession. They also learned that he had spent money on luxury trips to Dubai, Malaysia, Singapore, and Bangkok. Vamshi’s actions led to his arrest and charges of fraud against him.