Minister for Transport Ponnam Prabhakar announced that Velichala Rajender Rao will be the Congress candidate for the Karimnagar Lok Sabha constituency. Rajender Rao has already filed his nomination for the seat on behalf of the party.
Prabhakar, along with Congress MLAs and district leaders, participated in Rajender Rao’s nomination program as per the instructions of the party high command. The official announcement of Rajender Rao as the candidate is expected in a day or two.
The Minister criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying that after the first phase of elections, Modi understood that the BJP might not win a third term. Prabhakar accused Modi of spreading fear and trying to divide the country along religious lines.
He called on the Supreme Court to take action against Modi’s inflammatory remarks and issue orders in response.
Overall, Prabhakar expressed concerns about the Prime Minister’s actions and emphasized the need for unity and peace in the country.