In Hyderabad, there is a delay in announcing the Congress candidate for the Hyderabad Lok Sabha seat. Many Congress leaders are now filing nominations from the constituency to ensure their presence is known. The filing of nominations will continue until the last day, with three candidates already filing and more expected to follow.
The delay in announcing the candidate is causing frustration among party members, as other party candidates have already started their election campaigns. Statements made by leaders suggesting that the party may support the AIMIM have also impacted the morale of local party members.
Several candidates, including Pulipati Rajesh Kumar, Syed Shah Mujahid Hussaini, and G Kanhaiah Lal, have already filed their nomination papers. More candidates are expected to file in the coming days to build pressure on the party high command for a quick announcement.
Despite discussions on the remaining constituencies during a recent visit by AICC general secretary K C Venugopal, the names of candidates for Hyderabad, Khammam, and Karimnagar remain unknown. There is speculation that the candidate for Hyderabad may change due to the Congress’ new relationship with the AIMIM.