BJP candidate K Madhavilatha, who ran for the Hyderabad Lok Sabha seat, is facing a case after a video of her pretending to shoot an arrow towards a mosque went viral on social media. A person named Sheikh Imran filed a complaint against her with the Begambazar police and brought it to the attention of the Election Commission.
In response to the case, Madhavi Latha defended herself by pointing out that she has participated in events during the holy month of Ramzan and has even distributed food to Muslims. She believes that she is being targeted on social media ever since appearing on ‘Aap Ki Adalat’.
Madhavilatha expressed her frustration over the complaint regarding the missing bow and arrow, stating that if someone had filmed it, an FIR would have been filed. She also argued that the complaint accusing her of provoking Muslims was baseless, as there was no mosque in the video.
Overall, Madhavi Latha maintains her innocence and stands by her actions during the election campaign meeting.