Johnson India, a Division of Prism Johnson Limited, recently launched its latest collection of tiling solutions in Hyderabad. The event showcased over 3,000 new tile designs and was attended by company leaders like Vijay Aggarwal, Sarat Chandak, and Vijay Mishra.
Vijay Aggarwal, Managing Director of Prism Johnson Limited, emphasized the brand’s commitment to innovative tiling solutions that prioritize hygiene, environmental responsibility, and safety. The company aims to empower consumers to align their choices with their values and aspirations, shaping inspiring and enduring spaces.
Sarat Chandak, Executive Director & CEO of H. & R. Johnson (India) Division, highlighted Prism Johnson Limited’s dedication to delivering top-tier building materials. The launch event featured a wide selection of tiles for different spaces, including the new series of ‘+VE TILES’ designed to release negative ions for stress relief and energy boost.
Vijay Mishra, President of Tiles Sales at H. & R. Johnson (India) Division, expressed the company’s culture of relentless innovation and leadership in shaping the future of tiling solutions. The unveiling of over 3,000 new tile designs at the event reflects H & R Johnson India’s commitment to pushing boundaries in their product categories.