The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) earned Rs 1,107.29 crore by granting 11,074 building permissions in the financial year 2023–24. In total, 2,567 occupancy certificates were issued, bringing the total approvals to 13,641. The streamlined application process allowed for multiple buildings to be approved through the single-window system.
Most permissions were granted for residential structures on plots up to 500 square meters. The highest number of permissions for residential buildings was 2,282, including 74 high-rise structures. Commercial buildings received 140 permissions, with 44 being high-rise. Institutions and hospitals got approvals for 34 buildings, including 12 high-rises. These permissions were granted between April 1, 2023, and March 31, 2024.
The tallest building permitted in the GHMC area during this period was a residential project in Kancha Gachibowli, featuring 51 floors with a height of 188.6 meters. The breakdown of building permissions by category was as follows: 496 in the instant registration category, 8,122 under instant approval, 2,456 under the single window category, and 2,567 under the occupancy certificate category.