In Hyderabad, some young people are breaking traffic rules and causing noise pollution by changing the silencers on their motorcycles. They modify the silencers on bikes like Royal Enfields to make them louder, disturbing the peace in the city.
Many bikers are causing problems with these modified silencers. They ride fast, especially at night, and make loud noises by firing their engines. This noise keeps people awake at night, bothering children and elderly people who have to wake up because of the loud sounds.
People in the city are calling for action against these bikers who use modified silencers. They want the police to stop these modifications and punish those who break the rules. Even older citizens are worried about the loud noises and the potential danger they pose on the roads.
The police say that bikers create the loud noises by turning their engines on and off at high speeds. This makes a noise like a firecracker or a gun shot. According to the law, using these modified silencers can result in fines and even jail time if the noise exceeds certain limits.
Despite the law, the city’s traffic police have not done much to stop this problem. They have not punished shops that sell these modified silencers or taken strong action against those who use them. However, in a recent special campaign, the police did seize many modified silencers from violators.
Noise pollution is not just annoying – it can also be harmful to health. It can lead to high blood pressure, hospitalization, and even death in extreme cases. Long-term exposure to loud noise from traffic can increase the risk of heart problems and other health issues. It can also affect mental health, sleep, memory, and concentration.