Nizamabad MP Dharmapuri Arvind expressed his intention to invite Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy to join the BJP. He mentioned that he will recommend Revanth to the party leaders, but the final decision will be made by BJP national president JP Nadda and State President Kishan Reddy. Arvind conducted a door-to-door campaign in Nizamabad and made these statements during the event.
Arvind praised Revanth as a very active leader and stated that having him in the BJP would be beneficial. He criticized the Congress government as inefficient and warned that staying with the Congress would make Revanth ineffective. Arvind urged Revanth to make a decision soon and not harm his political future needlessly.
The MP also commented on Congress leaders’ predictions of BJP winning 12 seats in the Lok Sabha elections. He noted that political dynamics within the Congress party are evolving and anticipated changes in Telangana’s political landscape after the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.