Rangareddy: Despite the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, there is a lack of enthusiasm among the public and poll staff in Ranga Reddy district. In the Chevella LS segment, voters are not showing much interest in discussing the election. They blame local leaders for not addressing public issues effectively. Even election staff seem disinterested and are not fulfilling their duties properly.
Recently, the collector and district election officer issued a notice warning poll officials who repeatedly skipped training sessions. Some employees assigned to election duty did not attend training sessions twice, leading to show-cause notices being issued to them. The collector stated that legal action would be taken if they do not report for training immediately.
Ranga Reddy district has 3,369 polling stations, with 2,877 in the Chevella LS segment. This segment includes seven Assembly constituencies. There are a total of 16,669 polling officers, assistant presiding officers, other polling officers, and micro observers in the district, with 13,443 of them in Chevella. The district has 35,91,987 voters, with 29,19,465 in the Chevella LS segment.
There have been reports of election-related issues in some constituencies, such as multiple votes in one polling booth and problems with Voter Information Slips distribution. Additionally, there have been delays in delivering Election Voter IDs on time, and some leaders have been distributing VISs instead of election staff, particularly in Maheshwaram and Rajendranagar constituencies.