Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy started his Memantha Siddham bus yatra after taking a day off. He had been attacked on Saturday and had to get stitches for a head injury. Following doctors’ advice, he resumed his bus yatra from Kesrapalli camp.
Jagan began meeting people while sitting on the footboard of the bus in Gannavaram Assembly constituency of Krishna district. Massive crowds welcomed him as he traveled through the area. The bus yatra route includes Gannavaram constituency, Atkur village, Veeravalli Cross, Hanuman junction, Puttagunta Village (Gudivada constituency), and a lunch stop at Jonnapadu Village. After lunch, he will pass through Janardanapuram and arrive at VKR Group of Institutions on Eluru Road (Gudivada constituency) for a public address.
The bus yatra will then continue towards Hanuman Junction National Highway, Gundugolanu, and conclude in Narayanapuram (Unguturu constituency) for an overnight stay.