A 50-year-old man in Hyderabad jumped from a 10th-floor apartment in Upparpally, Attapur. The man, named Devdas Agarwal, was from Begum Bazaar and had a differently-abled daughter and a son. Devdas worked as an LIC agent and had recently helped his son, who is a cab driver, get married and buy a new taxi.
There were frequent quarrels in the family after the son misused the money given to him. Devdas decided to take drastic action and went to an apartment on Thursday, pretending to be interested in renting a portion. The security guard took him to the 10th floor, where Devdas suddenly jumped to his death, shocking residents. Police arrived at the scene and have started an investigation.
The incident has left many in shock, as Devdas’ family now has to deal with the aftermath of his death. It is a tragic situation that has affected not only his loved ones but also the community around him.