BJP National general secretary Bandi Sanjay Kumar criticized State Minister Ponnam Prabhakar and former MP Vinod Kumar. He urged Minister Ponnam Prabhakar to fast at Gandhi Bhavan for going against his party’s promises. Additionally, he called for Vinod Kumar to hold a hunger strike at Telangana Bhavan to protest the alleged mistreatment of KCR over the past decade.
Sanjay claimed that Prime Minister Modi was providing food for 80 crore impoverished individuals in the country. He questioned Minister Ponnam Prabhakar’s willingness to fast for the distribution of the coronavirus vaccine. Sanjay also criticized the lack of action when farmers were deceived during KCR’s tenure, asking why there were no fasting protests during those times.
Furthermore, Sanjay demanded that paddy be purchased with a bonus of Rs 500 and questioned whether the government was fairly compensating farmers who lost their crops. He also inquired about the government’s review process for paddy procurement, highlighting his party’s history of supporting farmers in similar situations in the past.
In addition, Sanjay accused the Congress and intellectuals of colluding to defeat him in Karimnagar, insinuating that they had conspired due to a lack of a strong candidate.