The Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) party is getting ready for the Lok Sabha election campaign. Their first public meeting will be held at Chevella parliamentary constituency center on Saturday. The meeting, called Praja Ashirwada Sabha, will have BRS chief and former Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao as the chief guest.
The meeting will take place at 4 pm at the Fara Engineering College ground in Chevella Constituency Centre. Former Minister Sabita Indra Reddy, MLA Kale Yadayah, former Chairman of the Legislative Council Swami Goud, and other party leaders will also be present. The meeting is in support of Chevella Lok Sabha Constituency candidate Kasani Gnaneshwar Mudhiraj.
After losing in the assembly elections, BRS held public meetings in Nalgonda and Karimnagar focusing on farmers’ issues. The upcoming meeting in Chevella is part of their strategy to strengthen their position in the Lok Sabha elections.
Discussions are ongoing about the schedule of meetings and bus yatras as the nomination process starts on the 18th of this month. KCR is expected to participate in these events for about 20 days. BRS Working President KT Rama Rao has also announced social media coordinators for Nagarkurnool and Mahabubnagar Lok Sabha constituencies, showing the party’s preparedness for the upcoming elections.