The Nagarjunasagar project, which supplies water to Hyderabad, is running out of water. This is causing a water crisis, and officials are taking urgent action to address the issue. The water level in the project has dropped to 510 feet, leading the Water Board to install new motors costing Rs 3 crore. These motors will help transport 900 cusecs of water and will operate until the water level reaches 498 feet, which is considered critical.
Compared to previous years, the water levels have dropped much earlier this year, causing more concerns. To make up for the shortage, water is being diverted from the Kodandapuram plant in Nalgonda district. Around 500 cusecs of water are being pumped daily to help sustain the water supply to Hyderabad.
The process of transporting water involves moving Krishna waters from Nagarjunasagar to Puttangandi cistern using four motors through the approach canal. The water then goes through canals to the Akkampally Balancing Reservoir before reaching the Kodandapuram Water Treatment Plant for purification and distribution to Hyderabad.
Officials have completed half of the emergency motor installation work in Nagarjunasagar’s backwaters. To prevent water from flowing back when the motors are operational, gabions (packs of stones) have been prepared instead of sandbags, which were washed away in the past.