Minister for Transport Ponnam Prabhakar accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government of neglecting Telangana’s development over the past decade. He stated that the BJP has not fulfilled any promises made in the AP Reorganisation Act and even transferred 7 mandals from Telangana to Andhra Pradesh.
During a press conference at Gandhi Bhavan, Ponnam Prabhakar criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi for failing to create the promised two crore jobs annually and for privatizing Navaratna companies instead of benefiting youth. He also claimed that the BJP lacks a clear agenda and does not support the welfare of Dalits and backward classes.
The Minister condemned the BJP for exploiting religious sentiments to secure votes and engaging in emotional politics with voters. He announced that Congress leaders will hold deekshas on April 14 across Telangana to highlight the failures of the BJP and BRS parties.