Nagarkurnool District Collector Uday Kumar has instructed officials to ensure that polling centers are equipped with necessary infrastructure for the upcoming Nagarkurnool Parliament elections. During his inspection on Friday, he visited polling centers in Lingala, Amrabad Mandals, Farahabad, Kudichintala Bayalu, and Sarlapalli Chenchu villages under Atchampet Constituency.
The Collector emphasized the importance of providing drinking water, furniture, and toilets at the polling centers to facilitate smooth voting process. He noted that polling stations were utilized for the first time during the last assembly elections in Chenchu villages and urged officials to ensure similar facilities for the upcoming Parliament election to avoid any inconvenience for voters. Various officials were present during the inspection.
In order to ensure a successful election process, it is crucial for all polling centers to have the necessary amenities for voters. The Collector’s directive aims to make voting easier and more accessible for the residents of Nagarkurnool. By providing essential facilities at the polling stations, the election process can run efficiently and effectively.