Konda Vishweshwar Reddy, the BJP candidate for the Chevella constituency, is confident about winning the upcoming elections as he kicked off the Praja Ashirwada Yatra. He promised to address the concerns of Chevella’s residents once he becomes their Member of Parliament.
During his visits to villages in Chevella and Moinabad mandals, like Pamena, Kandavada, Palgutla, Nakkalapalli, Ketireddypalli, and Venkatapur, he interacted with locals to understand their issues. He assured swift action on their problems once he takes office.
Vishweshwar Reddy criticized the current Congress government for not fulfilling its promises and the state’s financial situation under their rule. He expressed faith in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership and predicted his victory in the upcoming general elections.
In addition to his political activities, Vishweshwar Reddy extended greetings to the Muslim community during Ramzan. He participated in special prayers at a mosque in Kandavada village, emphasizing communal harmony under Modi’s leadership and wishing happiness for Muslim brothers during Ramzan. The Praja Ashirwada Yatra saw participation from various BJP leaders, party workers, and supporters.