Ramzan celebrations took place across Karimnagar with devotion on Thursday. In the morning, Muslims filled places of prayer for mass prayers and listened to religious messages from teachers. Large gatherings occurred at Rekurti Saleh Nagar and Chintakunta in Karimnagar.
Special arrangements were made by traffic police, with all vehicles parked in workshop grounds. The municipal corporation, electricity, medical, and health department staff also made preparations to ensure a smooth celebration.
Mufti Mohammad Ghiyas Mohiuddin, a teacher at Karimnagar Eidgah and prominent Islamic scholar, spoke about the significance of Ramadan in teaching the pace and way of life. He emphasized the unity in diversity that the month brings to the country, highlighting the festival’s ability to instill fear in people’s hearts and promote human values and virtues.
Leaders from different political parties exchanged Eid-ul-Fitr greetings at various Eidgahs, spreading joy and well wishes for the occasion. Festive crowds were seen at locations like Chintakunta Manchyryala Square, Mukarampura, Subhash Nagar, Gandhi Road, and many others.
MLAs Vivek Venkata Swamy and Makkan Singh Raj Thakur participated in the Ramadan celebrations at Godavarikhani Eid GahaAhle Hadis.