Hyderabad traffic police have issued traffic restrictions due to ongoing construction works on the MMTS Phase-II track connectivity between Sitafalmandi and Lallaguda extension of RUB 1B at Allagudabavi on inner Ring Road. Traffic will be diverted through RUB 1A from April 10 to May 9 for a 30-day period, affecting traffic flow from Tarnaka towards Sangeet X Roads/Chilkalguda.
Commuters are advised to avoid these routes and consider alternative routes to reach their destinations. Those traveling from Tarnaka/Lalapet towards Sangeeth X Roads/Chilkalguda X Roads should take the Sitaphalmandi Flyover route, Chilkalguda. For commuters from Malkajgiri, Mirzalguda/Lallaguda heading towards Sangeeth X Roads/Chilkalguda X Roads, the recommended route is Tukaramgate RUB route, Tukaramgate, West Marredpally, and St John Rotary.
Citizens are urged to take note of the construction work and use alternative routes. Any inconvenience caused is regretted, and citizens can contact the Hyderabad Traffic Police Helpline at 9010203626 for assistance or travel guidance. The Hyderabad Traffic Police seek cooperation from citizens in traffic regulation along these routes.