State BJP leader Y Maheswar Reddy accused State IT Minister D Sridhar Babu of neglecting farmers by diverting eight tmcft of water from the Saraswati canal. This move has left farmers without enough water for their standing crops.
Reddy criticized the government for failing to manage water distribution effectively, leading to many irrigation projects running out of water. He highlighted that crops in the final stages of harvesting are withering due to the lack of water. Minister Sridhar Babu’s actions have worsened the situation for farmers in north Telangana.
The State government had allocated six tmcft of water for farmers under the Saraswati canal, but only 4.5 tmcft has been released so far. Farmers are now waiting for the remaining water to save their crops, but Minister Sridhar Babu diverted eight tmcft to another area.
Previously, the government had allocated Rs 7,000 crore for the Rythu Bandhu Scheme, but this fund was not released due to election regulations. Reddy accused the Congress government of diverting these funds meant for farmers and demanded transparency regarding its disbursement.
Reddy criticized the government for neglecting farmers during drought-like conditions and prioritizing collecting taxes over fulfilling its responsibilities. He pointed out that the government resorted to bond sales and market borrowings of Rs 17,000 crore instead of efficiently managing funds.