Hyderabad: Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy held separate review meetings on Sunday to urge key leaders to support Congress candidates in Secunderabad and Warangal. These candidates recently joined the party as parachute candidates. Revanth Reddy stressed the importance of backing the choices made by the party High Command in order to achieve the goal of winning 14 seats. He wanted to avoid any hesitation within the party, especially in constituencies with parachute candidates, and encouraged leaders to work together for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
The meetings also focused on strategies to address issues raised by the BRS regarding water crisis, farmer problems, and rallying public support at meetings to secure votes. With tough competition expected from the BJP in the Lok Sabha polls, Revanth discussed the importance of promoting Rahul Gandhi’s message and manifesto to voters while countering the BJP’s narrative.
In the review meeting for Secunderabad Lok Sabha preparedness, party candidate Danam Nagender, Mayor Gadwal Vijayalaxmi, and other key leaders attended. The meeting for Warangal constituency included Minister Konda Surekha, CM’s advisor Vem Narender Reddy, candidate Kadiyam Kavya, former Minister Kadiyam Srihari, and other MLAs.