Mahabubnagar BJP MP candidate DK Aruna criticized the Congress party for not fulfilling its promises in Telangana and urged them to do so before asking for votes in the upcoming elections. She emphasized that the people will not trust the Congress party, as it has failed to deliver on its commitments in the past.
Speaking at a meeting with booth level workers in Makthal, Aruna pointed out that despite being in power for over 4 months, the Congress party has not implemented any of its election guarantees. She warned that the party’s attempt to make new promises for the Lok Sabha elections will not deceive the voters.
Aruna also criticized the Congress party’s recent manifesto and called on all party workers to support her candidacy. She stressed the importance of unity among party workers and provided guidance on campaign strategies at the booth level.
Furthermore, Aruna challenged CM Revanth Reddy to provide clearances and a detailed project report for the Palamuru Ranga Reddy Lift Irrigation project. She stated that if he is sincere about the project, she will ensure that it receives National status.