The Shani Troyodashi celebrations have started at the Shaneswara Temple in Nandi Vaddeman village of Bijinapalli mandal. Devotees are gathering from far places to participate in the festivities. This year, the celebration is special because it falls on a Saturday before the new moon of Phalguna month, attracting a large number of devotees to the temple, which is the second most popular Shaneswara temple in the country.
The temple surroundings are crowded with devotees since early morning. People are coming from distant places to take part in the Shani Troyodashi celebrations. The atmosphere is festive and filled with devotion as devotees gather to offer prayers and seek blessings at the Shaneswara Temple.
Images from the celebration show the vibrant colors and enthusiasm of the devotees participating in the Shani Troyodashi celebrations. The festive spirit can be seen in the decorations and rituals taking place at the temple. The community is coming together to celebrate this auspicious occasion with joy and reverence.