The Department of Stamps and Registrations in Khammam and Bhadradri-Kothagudem districts saw a drop of Rs 30 crore in revenue this year compared to the previous year. Despite processing more documents, there has been a decrease in real estate activities, resulting in lower revenue of Rs 197.31 crores this year compared to Rs 227.34 crores last year.
The slow registrations can be attributed to delays in business, the implementation of the code during elections, the cap on cash transactions, and monitoring of bank activities. In total, 47,102 documents were processed last year, while only 43,651 were processed this year in both districts.
The Khammam District Registrar’s Office recorded an income of Rs 108.65 crore last year from 15,416 registered papers. This year, with only 13,513 documents registered, the income was Rs 92.75 crore. Most documents are processed in the registrar’s offices of Khammam rural and Kusumanchi.
At the Kusumanchi sub-registrar’s office, despite processing more documents this year, the income decreased from Rs 14.64 crore to Rs 13.13 crore. Similarly, at the Khammam Rural Sub-Registrar’s office, the income decreased from Rs 25.84 crores to Rs 21.75 crores this year.
In Kothagudem district, the income decreased from Rs 34.64 crores last year to Rs 27.30 crores this year. A senior citizen of Khammam noted that the decrease in registrations could be due to the political developments in the state and the slowdown in real estate activities over the last six months.