In Hyderabad, former Deputy Commissioner of Police P Radhakishan Rao, who is a key figure in a phone-tapping case, admitted to transferring money during various elections. He confessed to moving money in Task Force vehicles multiple times and tapping the phone of D Praneet Rao during elections at the direction of former SIB chief T Prabhakar Rao.
Rao admitted to forming a special team during the BRS regime and using threats to extract money from staff. He also confessed to providing vehicles to the Task Force team and transferring money to MLC Venkatram Reddy, a childhood friend. Inspectors from the Task Force revealed that money was seized eight times from opposition parties during the 2023 elections.
According to reports, Rs 3.50 crore was recovered from associates of Komatireddy Rajagopal Reddy during the Mudugode by-election. The police stated in a remand report that several officials, including Additional DCP Thirupathanna and Additional Superintendent of Police N Bhujanga Rao, conspired to ensure BRS victory in the 2023 elections by surveilling opponents and their associates.
Their plan involved monitoring activities of opponent party leaders, their families, supporters, business people, critics of the BRS party, and suspicious individuals within the BRS party to maintain control over them.