Former Karimnagar MP B Vinod Kumar is calling on the government to compensate farmers at a rate of Rs 10,000 per acre for crops damaged by hailstorms. He made this demand after surveying the damage in several mandals, including Pothugal, Sewalal Tanda, Gannevanipalli, and Tangallapalli, and speaking to the media in Siricilla.
During his visit, Kumar also met with the family of Elsani Ellaiah, who tragically lost his life during the hailstorm in Mustabad mandal. In addition to urging the government to provide Rs 10 lakhs in compensation to the deceased’s family, Kumar also highlighted the need for immediate assistance, such as Rs 5 lakhs from Rythu Bhima insurance.
Expressing concern for farmers who have invested time and money into their crops, Kumar emphasized the urgency of providing compensation for their losses. He also called for the withdrawal of cases against farmers in Gannevanipalli who used motors to irrigate their fields, urging CM Revanth Reddy and Irrigation Minister Uttam Kumar Reddy to address the issue promptly.
As the paddy crops cultivated in January near harvest, Kumar stressed the importance of uninterrupted electricity supply to prevent crop damage. He urged swift action from the government to support farmers during this critical time.