The funeral of Mohammed Asfan, who died at the Ukrainian border, took place in Hyderabad on Sunday. Asfan, 30, was buried in Bazarghat after his body was brought back to the city on Saturday evening. Many people, including AIMIM party leaders, attended the funeral prayers. There were emotional scenes as Asfan’s body was taken to the graveyard, with family members grieving.
Asfan, who is survived by his wife and child, used to work at a clothing store in Hyderabad before moving to Russia. He went to Moscow in December after being promised a high salary by agents. However, he was later sent to the Ukrainian border, where he was reportedly killed by a bullet earlier this month.
The Indian Embassy in Russia confirmed Asfan’s death to his family and helped bring his body back to Hyderabad. The Ministry of External Affairs and the Indian Embassy in Russia are working with local authorities to investigate the circumstances of Asfan’s death. The family is calling for action against the agents who misled Asfan and others with false promises.
The family provided law enforcement with the names of three agents they believe are responsible for Asfan’s death. They want the government to take strict action against these agents and prevent others from falling victim to similar deception in the future.