The property division of the AP Bhavan in New Delhi between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh has been resolved by the Union Home Ministry. Telangana has been allocated 8.24 acres and Andhra Pradesh has been allocated 11.53 acres. Telangana will receive three acres under Sabari Block and 5.24 acres in Pataudi House, while Andhra Pradesh will receive Godavari block and Swarna Mukhi block in 5.78 acres, along with 3.3 acres in Nursing Hostel and 2.39 acres in Pataudi House.
Both Telangana and Andhra Pradesh governments have agreed to these allotments. The Union Home Ministry issued orders over the division of properties between the two States following a meeting held in New Delhi on March 11. Representatives from both states discussed the issue of apportionment of properties of Andhra Pradesh Bhavan.
The total land value of Andhra Pradesh Bhavan was calculated as Rs.9,913 crore. The value of the land with Andhra Pradesh is now Rs.5,781 crore, while the value of the land with Telangana is Rs.4,132 crore.