BJP MP Dr K Laxman spoke about Prime Minister Modi’s focus on service activities and developmental programs for the poor during an event in Hyderabad. He mentioned that various initiatives have been undertaken in the Musheerabad Assembly area with support from Central entities under Corporate Social Responsibility.
Development activities in Musheerabad and Ghatkesar mandals have been carried out with the help of ONGC at a cost of Rs 3.5 crore. Furniture and RO plants were provided to six government schools in Musheerabad during Dr Laxman’s time as MLA. He promised to continue such service activities and support development in his hometown of Ghatkesar and Ashoknagar.
Dr Laxman highlighted the progress seen nationwide under Modi’s leadership, including improvements in infrastructure like roads, buildings, and educational institutions reaching Telangana. He praised the Modi government for providing effective governance that meets the people’s expectations.
During his visits to government schools, Dr Laxman noticed a shortage of teachers and urged the State government to address this issue promptly.