Recent promotions of Grade-2 Principals at Mahatma Jyothibha Phule Residential Educational Institutions are under scrutiny due to alleged rule violations. An official, who was recently relieved of his duties, is accused of showing favoritism and promoting individuals against the established rules for personal gain.
According to service norms, 50 percent of Grade-1 Principal positions are supposed to be filled through promotions. However, in the recent promotions, the requirement of completing three years of service as Grade-2 Principals was reportedly ignored.
Directly recruited Grade-2 Principals appointed by TSPSC in March 2021 are about to complete three years of service. They are urging the government to cancel the promotions that were carried out without proper approval and in violation of election codes. They are seeking justice in this matter.
The official in question, who also plays a significant role in TREI-RB (Telangana Residential Educational Institutions Recruitment Board), has been linked to fraudulent appointments in recent recruitments for various positions. Aspirants and Grade-2 Principals are appealing to the government to address these issues and ensure fairness.