Panchayat Raj Minister Seethakka recently inaugurated a free mega medical camp in Macharam village to provide quality healthcare to rural residents. The event was attended by local officials and aimed to offer corporate-level healthcare services, with a focus on eye membrane surgeries for those who cannot afford them.
The camp was organized by Anusha Project Pvt. Ltd. and Sankara Nethralaya Eye Hospital, with the goal of addressing eye-related ailments in rural areas. Minister Seethakka personally oversaw the eye tests and treatments provided by the medical staff from Shankara Nethralaya.
She praised the organizers for their efforts in bringing healthcare services to remote regions and commended the local MLA, Dr. Vamsi Krishna, for his contributions to the community. Dr. Vamsi Krishna was recognized for establishing essential amenities like schools and temples in the constituency, and Seethakka encouraged him to continue his work in uplifting rural communities.
Minister Seethakka also highlighted various welfare schemes introduced by the state government, especially those focused on empowering women economically. She emphasized the importance of providing healthcare and support to all residents, regardless of their financial status.