In Panyam Constituency, Kalluru Mandal, Salkapuram Village recently saw the opening of new projects to help the locals. The inauguration included the Dr. YSR Rythu Bharosa Kendra, Village Health Clinic, and Secretariat by Panyam MLA and YSR Congress Party Nandyal District President, Katasani Rambhupal Reddy.
Many public representatives, YSRCP leaders, activists, and officials attended the event to celebrate the village’s progress. Katasani Rambhupal Reddy also inaugurated a CC Road as part of the program.
After the initial inauguration, the MLA participated in a pooja program to open a newly constructed divider and central lighting from Kallur Chennamma circle to Sunkulamma temple. These projects aim to improve infrastructure and amenities for Salkapuram village and Kalluru Mandal residents.
The community showed strong support during the event, highlighting the leaders’ efforts to enhance the quality of life in Salkapuram and surrounding areas.