Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy announced that he will take oath for his second term as Chief Minister and will stay in Visakhapatnam after the elections. He made this statement while speaking to around 2,000 delegates from various industries at the Radisson Blu Hotel as part of the ‘Vision Visakha’ event.
Jagan mentioned that he is the only one fighting for Visakhapatnam to be the executive capital, facing opposition and vested interests. He assured that despite ongoing court cases against the move, he will stay in Visakhapatnam after the elections and hold his swearing-in ceremony there.
The YSRCP Government had designated Visakhapatnam as the executive capital in its three-capital plan for Andhra Pradesh. This plan divides the state capital into three parts, with Amaravati as the legislative capital, Visakhapatnam as the executive capital, and Kurnool as the judicial capital.