Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated several NTPC projects worth Rs 30,023 crore in Adilabad. These projects are aimed at sustainable development and economic growth.
The power sector development projects that were inaugurated include: Unit #2 (800 MW) of Telangana Super Thermal Power Project (Stage-I), Unit-2 (660 MW) of North Karanpura Super Thermal Power Project, and the foundation laying of Singrauli Super Thermal Power Project, Stage-III.
Additionally, Modi also dedicated a fly ash-based Weight Aggregate Plant at the Sipat Super Thermal Power Station, STP Water to Green Hydrogen Plant at NTPC NETRA Campus, and Flue gas CO2 to 4G Ethanol Plant at Lara Super Thermal Power Station. He also inaugurated Sea Water to Green Hydrogen Plant at NTPC Simhadri and laid the foundation of Fly Ash Based FALG Aggregate Plant at Korba Super Thermal Power Station.