Former Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh played a key role in destabilizing the Congress government in Himachal Pradesh, aligning with the BJP. This unexpected setback has caused turmoil within the Congress high command.
Captain Amarinder Singh, part of Patiala’s royal family, has close ties with Vikramaditya Singh, the son of former Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh. Vikramaditya Singh threatened resignation from the Congress government, citing humiliation.
The familial connections between Captain Amarinder Singh and the Himachal Pradesh royals allowed him to oversee the situation and use his influence. Despite leaving the Congress in 2021 and forming his own party before aligning with the BJP, he was still able to impact the political landscape.
Sources reveal that Captain Amarinder Singh facilitated logistical arrangements for six Congress MLAs who sided with the BJP during the Rajya Sabha election. These actions led to the defeat of the Congress candidate and ultimately caused turmoil within the party.
The BJP sensed discontent within the Congress ranks, especially with Vikramaditya Singh feeling sidelined and allegedly aspiring for the Chief Minister’s position. Captain Amarinder Singh was tasked by the BJP to intervene in Himachal Pradesh affairs, despite suspicions within the Congress about his involvement.
Despite warnings and suspicions, the Congress failed to take preemptive action to counter Captain Amarinder Singh’s influence nearly two weeks ago. This situation has created significant upheaval within the Congress party.