V Mahesh, a well-known producer in the film and television industry, passed away at the age of 85 in Chennai after suffering a cardiac arrest. He slipped and fell while leaving the bathroom at his home, and was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead. Mahesh was also a respected writer and produced his first movie, Mathrumurthy, in 1975.
He went on to produce films starring popular actors like NTR and Chiranjeevi. One of his notable works was Manushyalantha Okkatey, directed by Dasari Narayana Rao, for which he received a Nandi Award for the story. His TV serial Vipranarayana won the Golden Nandi Award for best telefilm in 2009 and received recognition in three other categories. Mahesh hailed from Nellore district and never married.
His funeral will take place in Chennai today to honor his contributions to the entertainment industry and his legacy as a talented producer and writer.