The Congress government in Telangana is focusing on implementing the promises made during the elections. CM Revanth Reddy has ordered officials to start the ‘Griha Jyoti’ scheme, which will provide free electricity up to 200 units and gas cylinders for Rs. 500 starting on February 27th or 29th. The decision was taken in a ministerial sub-committee meeting where preparations for the implementation of the schemes were discussed. ‘Zero’ current bills will be issued from the first week of March.
CM Revanth Reddy has suggested transferring subsidies directly to beneficiaries’ bank accounts for the gas cylinder scheme. He emphasized the importance of a pro-public policy and consulting with gas agencies if necessary. The Grihajyoti scheme will apply to those with white ration cards who consume less than 200 units of electricity per month. Corrections will be allowed for any mistakes in ration card details entered in applications, with orders to apply the free electricity scheme to corrected applications next month. The information about these schemes will be spread in every village through flexi so that all residents are aware of them.
The key cabinet sub-committee meeting at the Secretariat was attended by CM Revanth Reddy, Deputy CM Bhatti Vikramarka, and several other ministers and officials. Discussions included the implementation of the Griha Jyoti scheme and the gas cylinder guarantee, with a focus on ensuring that all eligible residents benefit from these initiatives.