The Kratu Medaram Maha Jatara, Asia’s largest tribal festival, begins today in Telangana. The event celebrates deities Sammakka and Saralamma as they come out from the forest to dance ceremonially on mats at Janaranyam. Pilgrims from near and far gather at Medaram in Mulugu district to witness this spiritual spectacle.
This biennial festival occurs every two years on Maghasuddha Poornami, also known as Sammakka-Saralamma Punnam. The Maha Jatara started last Wednesday with the Mandamelige festival’s inauguration by priests representing the goddesses in Medaram and Kannepally.
This year’s Medaram Maha Jatara takes place from February 21 to 24. Rituals began with a procession to Jampanna Gadde, led by priests adhering to Adivasi traditions. Celebrations greeted Jampanna’s arrival, with villagers welcoming the deity with aartis and offerings.
Upcoming events include measuring Saralamma, Pagiddaraju and Govindaraju ascending the throne, and the visitation of the deities to devotees. The Maha Jatara ends on Saturday as the deities return to the forest, concluding the fair with devotion and cultural revelry.