The BJP launched the ‘Vijaya Sankalpa Yatra’ in Hyderabad with CMs and Union ministers targeting Congress and BRS. They urged people to reject the Congress and BRS due to corruption and dynastic politics, and support Narendra Modi for a third term as PM.
Assam CM Hemant Biswas Sarma accused the Congress of making false promises to win power in Telangana. He criticized the Congress for failing to fulfill job promises in Himachal Pradesh and Karnataka. Sarma also mentioned Rahul Gandhi’s unfulfilled guarantees in Telangana and urged people to question him on his visits.
Sarma emphasized the need to support Modi for PM again, claiming that only Modi’s promises are being fulfilled. He urged people to reject the corrupt Congress and its false guarantees.
Overall, the BJP leaders highlighted the importance of rejecting corruption and dynastic politics, and supporting Modi for the country’s progress.