Hyderabad city police Commissioner K Sreenivas Reddy has imposed restrictions on the entry, movement, and idle parking of heavy vehicles in Hyderabad. This decision was made to maintain smooth traffic flow, prevent congestion, ensure public safety, and reduce inconvenience.
According to the notification issued by the Commissioner, inter-district and national permit lorries, local lorries, medium goods vehicles, private buses, and slow-moving vehicles are affected by these restrictions. Heavy commercial vehicles like lorries, trucks, tuskers, trailers, and others classified as N-3 and T-4 are not allowed on the roads from 7 am to 11 pm but can operate between 11 pm and 7 am.
Medium-sized vehicles like DCM, Eicher, Swaraj Mazda, and others classified as N-2 and T-3 are prohibited from 8 am to 12 pm and 4 pm to 9 pm. Private buses are also restricted from entering or parking on arterial roads between 8 am and 10 pm. However, public transport buses operated by State Road Transport undertakings and other government agencies are exempt from these restrictions.
In addition to heavy and medium vehicles, slow-moving vehicles such as hand carts, animal-driven vehicles, cycle rickshaws, power tillers, and tractors are also not allowed on the roads. Construction and Demolition waste-carrying vehicles with a weight exceeding two tonnes up to six tonnes have specific times when they are prohibited from plying on arterial roads.
Vehicles with a gross weight exceeding 10 tonnes are not permitted to move on arterial roads from 7 am to 11 pm in Hyderabad and Secunderabad. The police have warned of legal action against violators and urged the public to cooperate with traffic regulations for better management.